1899 – 1943

Walter’s siblings were Aileen born 1896 died as a baby aged 4 months, Doris born 1897 died 1986 Yvonne born 1892 died 1984 and Iseult born 1895 died 1978.
Walter Patrick Barclay married Daphne Dorothy Crisp Binny 8th June 1937 in Westminster London, they had two children a son Peter Charles Barclay born 26th February 1938 who is the Chief of Clan Barclay he was educated at Eaton and has a coat of arms Matriculated at the Lyons Court 1971 and a daughter Penelope Jean Barclay born Rome 23rd August 1937 no further details. His wife Daphne was born in Farnham Surrey 14th August 1913 to Lt Colonel Alan James Murray Binny born 9th November 1878 London died 20th June1966 Cologne Germany and Dorothy Crisp born 19th July 1881Camberwell Surrey died 31st August 1963 Ipswich Suffolk. Lt Colonel Binny had served with the 1st Lancers Indian Army, they were married on 16th August 1910 in Guildford Surrey. Lt Colonel Binny was made a Freeman of the City of London on 15th February 1910.
Lt Colonel Barclay and Daphne’s family home was at the time of his death Little Wenham Grange Lt Wenham Suffolk.
Walter had joined the Army on 21st August 1918 as Second Lieutenant Barclay of the Royal Highland Regiment, a career soldier, he was promoted to Lieutenant on 21st February 1920 by 1922 he was attached to the British Upper Silesian Force, in January 1928 he was qualified as interpreter 1st Class in Italian, French and German. He was promoted to Captain in 1937 and was assistant Military Attaches in Rome, he was also at one time on the General Staff as assistant Military Attaches in Budapest and was promoted to Lt Colonel in July 1941. Lt Colonel Barclay was commanding 6th Battalion Black Watch in the battle of Tunisia, he died 22nd May 1943 from wounds received on 13th April 1943 and was buried at sea.
His name is recorded on the Cargilfield Prep School Memorial.
He is Remembered with Honour on the El Bab Memorial Tunisia Face 23 and in the Book of Remembrance, St Mary’s Church, Capel St Mary, Suffolk.
Walter would have been entitled to:
•1939 – 1945 Star
•Africa Star
•1939 – 1945 War Medal